Split front top c/o Lovely Wholesale / White blazer c/o Lovely Wholesale / Denim shorts from Target / Quilted mint bag from LuLu's / Gold chain necklace & Stacked rings c/o Lovely Wholesale
Do I like this look? Yes. Am I likely to wear it again? Not unless I'm at the beach. 50% of the time, I dress up to go to work. Can't wear this top at work. 45% of the time, I dress up because I'm going for amazing food. Can't wear this top when I'm overindulging.
I have a bone to pick with food. What cheap pretentious chef decided that "less is more"? I don't care how good your stupid slice of salmon on a cracker with some fancy sauce drizzled on is if it doesn't fill me up. I just can't justify paying $50 for tiny portions. For me, the best food tastes great and fills me up beyond a point of comfort. If my pants aren't fitting as well as they did when I walked in, it's been a good meal. And for that to happen, I'm gonna need a shirt that covers the extra 5 lbs in food I'm carrying with me.
Also, yay, floating nav bar! Let me know what you think or if it looks weird on your screen. My coding skills are a little rusty, but I'm pretty proud of it.
Also, yay, floating nav bar! Let me know what you think or if it looks weird on your screen. My coding skills are a little rusty, but I'm pretty proud of it.
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