Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Giveaway & tips for breaking into a fashion career

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of ANN INC. for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Only a few months ago, I was a new grad looking for a job. I was fortunate to find a job that I love relatively quickly. But the pain and struggles of job searching are still really fresh, which is why I'm happy to this guide on what worked for my job hunt.

1. Know What You Want

I'm not telling you to know exactly what you want. Have an idea of what industry you want and what you want to do there. If you said, "I want to be in fashion", it's a start, but where in fashion? Are you a designer? Better with customer service? Do you want to work behind the scenes? Would you want to analyze sales numbers? Or create marketing campaigns? All this is just the tip of the iceberg. This way, you have a better idea of which direction to search. 

Don't quite know yet? Why not check out a career resource site like Their job listing tool is easy to use and lists both corporate and store jobs available. Did you know that you could be a R&D Coordinator in Fabrics? Or a Digital User Experience Manager? Yeah, you've got options!

2. Be Realistic and Know Your Worth

Yes, the job search is going to suck a bit. And maybe you need a part-time retail job to weather the storm in the meantime. But you don't have to settle for an absolutely horrible job just because people say you have to "pay your dues" as a stepping stone to a great career. Look at your options. If you can work hard, collaborate with others, and have a great attitude, you deserve to be in a respectful and enjoyable environment with like-minded people. With a simple Google search, you can find plenty of information on what past and current employees have to say about their experiences at a company. Or take it from the experts - in this case, ANN INC. is the only fashion retailer to receive a Gallup Great Workplace Award. I'd say that's a pretty good indicator that it's a great option to strive for.

2. Research

Sometimes, the answer is right in front of you if you look for it. A company mission statement or philosophy can tell you a lot about what kind of person they're looking for and if you'd enjoy the environment. When you already know what a company wants, it's a lot easier to tailor your resume and go into an interview with confidence.

For example, even a quick glance at ANN INC's website tells us that they value confidence, passion, leadership, and bringing forward employees that can help women to feel their best. With such a strong focus on people, there's also good potential that you'd be in a comfortable environment with potential to move up. ANN INC also frequently updates their Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with job alerts, tips, and style inspiration so you can stay in the know.

Are you ANN INC.’s next must-have? Start a career with ANN INC. today!

To help kickstart your fashion career, ANN INC is offering you a $25 gift card to its stores (Ann Taylor, The Loft, Lou & Grey). Don't forget that making a great first impression is also important, which is a lot easier when you feel great inside and outside. Just follow the Rafflecopter below to enter! *Open to US citizens only.

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  1. How cool! Very inspiring!

  2. These are great tips- especially the one about knowing what you want + in what areas you excel. So important!
    Happy Thursday, babe!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  3. These are such amazing tips! It can be so tough to find a job! I hope you're having a wonderful Thursday!

    <3 Shannon

  4. Good advice for anyone looking for a job. I too remember the painful search!

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  5. Great advice ^_^! My only problem with finding a job is deciding what I want. I have no fucking idea and it's killing me. O_O That and of course our "awesome" economically disabled country.

  6. Amazing giveaway and wise words!!! And you have a great blog. Let me know if you want we follow each other by GFC, bloglovin', google+, etc. I hope so: I'll follow you back!!! Have a nice day!!!

    *Keep in touch ;)
    ABSOkisses!!! Fanny J. ABSOmarilyn

    Google+ | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Bloglovin'

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this! I love Ann Inc (though they've never given me a job) and I'm learning tons about fashion through blogging! Such a great giveaway :)

    Simplicity Relished

  8. love it!!! nice advise!



  9. HI Sabrina! Great tips! Always appreciate new insights! Thanks for sharing!

    Jessica |

  10. This was such a great and inspiring post to read! I bet there are a lot of people who are struggling to start a career in fashion, therefore, I think that this post will definitely help them! :)

  11. Job hunting can be brutal. But I agree that knowing what you want is key.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  12. Congrats on your job! Finding a job is hard work and these tips are so great! <3
    xoxo, | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 
    also on BLOGLOVIN 

  13. Congrats on finding a job you like! :) Labor supply here is very scarce at the moment but I hope I'll be able to find something when I'm out of Uni :) xx Maja

  14. Great tips! Thank you for sharing and congrats on your new job!

    Bella Pummarola

  15. I literally just had this conversation with my Mom last summer! You make excellent points, great read :)


  16. Such a great guide! Thanks so much for sharing this! Always nice to hear of opportunities.


  17. Thanks for sharing these tips! They're super helpful.

  18. I applied to two positions within AnnInc, and never heard back. But I have since gotten an office job, so I'll be okay.
    Chic on the Cheap

  19. Lovely read. I know a lot of people who want to break into the fashion industry. :)

    Wish & Wear

  20. What good tips.. I know a lot of people who want to work in fashion. I would love to do PR for a fashion or beauty company!

    xo ClassToCloset

  21. Great post and tips! =D
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    NEW POST on

    Instagram | Twitter | Bloglovin


  22. No doubt that Ann Inc. would be a good company to work for. Though, I might end up spending my entire paycheck before leaving for the day!

  23. awesome tips! will definitely keep these in mind for the future! :)

  24. Awesome! I'm participating!

  25. These are great tips, that a lot of people even outside of fashion can use! Graduation is both an exciting yet scary thing as you are finally forced out into the real world to put that book knowledge to practice!

  26. I love the cardigan, jacket, and coat in the pictures across the top. Gorgeous!

    Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  27. Whoops-- sorry about the accident comment above!

    This is a really fantastic post, Sabrina and it's really on point. (I live in NYC and worked in fashion for 4 years before recently moving over to Beauty!) It's really important to know that there are PLENTY of options available for working in fashion. Want to be an accountant? Fashion brands need accountants too! It's not just PR, Sales, Editorial-- there's something for everyone.

    Also, I can not agree with you enough about the importance of research and being prepared. So many girls want to work in the industry, the thing you can really do to set yourself apart is by really knowing the job role and the brand inside and out before you step foot in the door for your interview!

    Great tips!


  28. What a great post! I am about to start the job hunt so this was extremely helpful ;)

    Because I'm Obsessed


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